Susie Mathews, Your
“Career Co-Pilot”

She helps people navigate so
they “land” their dream career.

As a Career Coach, Susie Mathews has helped thousands with their careers, especially in recent turbulent times when finding a good job has been so tough.

Whether you are looking for a new job, wanting to advance in the career field you are presently in … or, maybe you are simply not happy with your career, you feel stuck and you’ve decided you want to go in a totally new direction. Susie can teach you the critical secrets of how to market and sell yourself and find employment that’s meaningful and fulfilling.

Get Susie's video tips FREE! Just click here.


It’s Your Career.  Don’t Fly by the Seat of
Your Pants, You Need a “Career Co-Pilot”!

Every career has critical points – times and decisions that either move you forward, or hold you back. Too many people struggle with decisions about their career, and as a result, they slowly drift off course, loosing time … and money. Why? They simply “fly by the seat of their pants” – they don’t know what to do and how to make those critical decisions.  It’s frustrating … and ultimately costs money.

But you can do better. Much better!

Job Search Testimonials

"I met Susie when she volunteered to speak at my job search networking group. Her inspirational talk and contagious enthusiasm lifted everyone's spirits and determination. It was then that I realized I needed her help. As an operations manager, I was very good on the shop floor, but not very good at understanding how to present myself in order to get a job. She worked with me and I now have the confidence and skills needed for a successful job search. Thank you Susie."–Steve Rotier

"I've got my Ty back! Whatever it is Susie has him doing is working!"-a direct quote from my wife to a good friend shortly after I started working with Susie Mathews. A disappointing business venture that temporarily altered my "eternal optimist" persona had just come to a close. I was finally back in a position where I could begin to focus on both my personal and potential career passions. Enter Susie Mathews! Just what the doctor ordered! The combination of reading her book "Cash In On The Passion" and scheduling one-on-one sessions with her, allowed me to take full advantage of a carefully designed process. The whole "passion" concept is pure and genuine with Susie-not just some buzzword. It feels so good to do what I love and love what I do and be true to myself again. Thanks Susie!” –Davis Bergeron

"In using Susie's services to define and develop a plan to realize my true life's passion, I found her to be extremely knowledgeable, helpful, and effective at helping me to not only define my passion, but to put an effective plan and strategy together to make it a reality. I highly recommend anyone who is serious about realizing their true passion in life to use her services. You will not be disappointed!"–Kirk Nick

"I've worked with Susie Mathews on a number of different projects. Her enthusiasm and passion shows in everything she does. In presenting at meetings there is no doubt that she is driven. Working with her as a career coach will keep you on task and focused. I highly recommend Susie and her passionate level of service."–David Schoeffel

"I wanted to say thank you for all your help...your sessions really built my confidence and now I have a job that I am really looking forward to starting!"–Lisa Wittrock

"Finding out what we like to do and are good at is the first step at finding a career that is fulfilling and rewarding. Susie did an excellent job working with me on identifying them which pointed me in the right direction. I love to sail. With Susie's help, I was able to confidently pursue a career in the marine industry. I now have a job I love going to work for."–Christopher Schorse