Archive for 2012

Fun, Easy Things You Can Do Every Day to Achieve Your Dream

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startinglineYou have started to identify what it is you want to go after. You have uncovered your purpose and you have a pretty clear vision of your heart’s desire. (If this is not clear, you are going to want to invest time and energy in exploring this deeper ). You have seen a dream begin to unfold in front of you like a beautiful lotus ...

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Adding Strengthfinders 2.0 to your System

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Hey Hi Everybody,


Still P.U.M.P.ed up?


I’ve heard back from quite a few of you … I’m really glad! Feel free to reach out and contact me here or via email ( or that old fashioned thing called a telephone 262-391-3828. If you have questions or you would like to flesh out an idea or two, I’m happy to do that with you. That’s what our Coaches Corner Forum is intended to do. I love it!


Last time we talked about initial steps to helping you ...

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The 80 / 20 Rule

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computerguyHave you ever heard of the 80 / 20 rule? AkA The Pareto Principle. It was named after the Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto, who observed that 80% of income in Italy was received by 20% of the Italian population. The common application speaks to the assumption that most of the results in any situation are determined by a small number of causes. As the numbers work, 80 percent of your ...

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Every Employee (Potential Employee) Needs a Sponsor

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My definition of a mentor is a wise and trusted advisor. Do you have one? Do you have many? I have, over the years, sought out the guidance of many a person whom I valued their opinion and sought out their advise. I tuned to them consistently. They taught me how to make short cuts to a successful outcome. They showed me where the “land minds” were. I was able to avoid costly, even wasteful investments of time or money because of their input. Even though having ...

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The PUMP Up Your Bottom Line System

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Hey Hi Everyone,


Still PUMPed up? Remember what that stands for? …Passion Ultimately Means Performance.


As we discussed in our session on Friday, 9/9 a couple hours of throwing ideas around is hopefully informative. But it’s the long term investment of coaching your team – guiding them to implement and hone the techniques we talked about, that’s where real results (the Magic) happens. A few of you asked if there might be a way to keep a dialog going to ...

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Ten Years Reflecting Life Changes

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In honor of the tenth anniversary of September 11th, I thought it would be nice to reflect on the magnitude of that day and how it has impacted your life and the choices you have made and are making to this day.

That tragic day was a wake-up call. If you were like me it sent me into a tail spin. I felt helpless and wanted to do something, but I feared we, as a nation, were out of control. I ...

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Are You Thriving … Or Just Surviving?

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superkidLet me ask you a question, are you sailing along in your career? Or does it feel like your sail is only half way up the mast and you’re struggle to get anywhere? Do you feel you are performing at less than your maximum potential? A recent Gallup Poll said that 74% of Americans are disengaged with what they are doing for a living. The sad reality is, when it comes to ...

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Our Returning Vets are Great Hires

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Time Magazine is showcasing what I’ve been saying for a long time. Our returning Vets from Iraq and Afganistan are “The New Greatest Generation”. Highly developed leaders that know how to focus, overcome and get it done. As one soldier noted, the life-and-death decisions he made in warfare make the decisions in the workplace pretty easy by comparison. Check out this video, but more – read the article when you can Aug. 29 2011 edition. To all my Vet friends, ...

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Live Life Large

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Well, we can live life large … full of love and happiness … or … we don’t. Forgive me, I think it’s that simple. Love the life you have… Choose to make the journey – down your life path, if not, it will raise it’s head later. Then it might be too late. LOVE,… love if you can, and love everything about where you are personally. Then things… magically fall into place. I always love that.

Love you.


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Office Drama

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Someone wrote me this last week and shared some concerns with their organization and how it was starting to affect his performance. He asked for my advice. I see this as “Office Drama”. Here’s part of what he shared.


Here are the issues: The company I work for is a very big operation, which involves a lot of people. I’m an introverted type of person; I like to mostly keep to myself. But I admit maybe that hasn’t served me well. However, I can honestly say ...

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