Archive for April, 2012

How Do You Find the Masses Who Can Help You?

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Last week I ran into someone who has been in the job market for quite a while. It was great seeing him, but I was sad to see he had not landed anything yet. He is a human resources professional and has an impressive background. I’m fully aware that as a result of all the massive layoffs that have occurred over the last two and half years, HR is one of the areas that took the hardest blows. If you have fewer people – ...

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30, 60, 90 Day Vision and Strategy

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chessNegotiating successful outcomes in the workplace can and will increase your value to an organization, but a lot of people are uncomfortable with the process and don’t try it. As a result they remain silent and continue to blend into the background. I run into people all the time that see an area in their business that could reach higher levels of performance, if only their company would embrace a new vision ...

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